Monday, February 16, 2009

My Prayer ADD

Wow, that picture below sure is dark...didn't look so bad until it posted. Oh well.

The sermon at church yesterday (first time we've been in like six weeks, but anyway) was about the 5 things God expects from us, as described in somewhere in Deuteronomy. Let's face it, I can't remember these things. The gist of the message has something (and nothing) to do with what follows:

We are to love God first and foremost. Sounds simple, but I know I'm very guilty of forgetting that one. Especially when things seem to be going well. I suppose it's human nature to ignore God when everything is happy go-lucky and cry out to Him when things start to fall apart.

One of my goals right now is to be ever mindful that God is with me and to pray constantly. All that without-ceasing goodness.

I want to remember to pray for my daughter to have a good day at school. For me to have a good attitude at work and to remember how my words affect my students. For my husband to draw nearer to God. For my students to be able to settle their nerves before a test. For my mama as she learns how to be single again. For my marriage.

I'm a stream-of-consciousness-pray-er: I just pray throughout the day about whatever pops into my head and I find myself often experiencing prayer ADD as my mind wanders.

So, I might start out something like "God, be with my girl today at daycare and be with her teachers to help them make wise choices while caring for my child... keep her safe and don't let her get sick AGAIN, because that last one nearly did me in. Oh and could you maybe help her sleep tonight for more than 3 hours? In her crib. Without crying. Cause I don't think I can really take much more of her head-butting me at night."

I blather on and on in my head and eventually end up somewhere completely random like "be with the orphans in Africa." Cause, ya know, they don't have parents to send them to daycare and worry about another snot-nosed kid giving them ANOTHER cold. (Note: My daycare is wonderful, and my child is equally snot-nosy. Yes, I am now a mother of a "snot-nosed kid." Deal with it. End note.)

Do you have prayer ADD like me? Or are you organized and methodical? Do you repeat the same thing over and over? Or do you do it at all?

Prayer, how do YOU do it?

1 comment:

  1. I am definately an ADD prayer and can FOR SURE relate! I was hoping that I wasn't the only one, and thanks for making me feel better about it :) Did your parents seperate?
